
Branch: develop

Sotiri Bakagiannis <>
Nov. 10 '22 23:58:09
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 69ddf92..4c453b9 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -18,37 +18,126 @@ import (
+// CONFIG_FILE=".ht_git2html"
 const configFile = ".ht_git2html"
+const showProgress = true
+const forceRebuild = false
+// TODO: add log.Debug
+ progress()
+ {
+   if test x"$show_progress" = x1
+   then
+     echo "$@"
+   fi
+ }
 //go:embed config.tmpl
 var tmpl string
+type options struct {
+	project  string
+	repo     string
+	link     string
+	branches string
+	quiet    bool
+	force    bool
+	{
+	  echo "Usage $0 [-prlbq] TARGET"
+	  echo "Generate static HTML pages in TARGET for the specified git repository."
+	  echo
+	  echo "  -p  Project's name"
+	  echo "  -r  Repository to clone from."
+	  echo "  -l  Public repository link, e.g., ''"
+	  echo "  -b  List of branches to process (default: all)."
+	  echo "  -q  Be quiet."
+	  echo "  -f  Force rebuilding of all pages."
+	  exit $1
+	}
 func main() {
-	var p string
-	var r string
-	var l string
-	var b string
-	var q bool
-	var f bool
-	flag.StringVar(&p, "p", "My project", "Choose a project name")
-	flag.StringVar(&r, "r", "/path/to/repo", "Repository to clone from")
-	flag.StringVar(&l, "l", "", "Public link to repo")
-	flag.StringVar(&b, "b", "all", "List of branches")
-	flag.BoolVar(&q, "q", false, "Be quiet")
-	flag.BoolVar(&f, "f", false, "Force rebuilding of all pages")
+	/*
+	   while getopts ":p:r:l:b:qf" opt
+	   do
+	     case $opt in
+	       p)
+	         PROJECT=$OPTARG
+	         ;;
+	       r)
+	         # Directory containing the repository.
+	         ;;
+	       l)
+	         ;;
+	       b)
+	         ;;
+	       q)
+	         show_progress=0
+	         ;;
+	       f)
+	         force_rebuild=1
+	         ;;
+	       \?)
+	         echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+	         usage
+	         ;;
+	     esac
+	   done
+	   shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+	*/
+	opts := &options{}
+	flag.StringVar(&opts.project, "p", "My project", "Project's name")
+	flag.StringVar(&opts.repo, "r", "/path/to/repo", "Repository to clone from.")
+	flag.StringVar(&, "l", "", "Public repository link, e.g., ''")
+	flag.StringVar(&opts.branches, "b", "all", "List of branches (default: all)")
+	flag.BoolVar(&opts.quiet, "q", false, "Be quiet.")
+	flag.BoolVar(&opts.force, "f", false, "Force rebuilding of all pages.")
-	log.Printf("%v %v %v %v %v %v", p, r, l, b, q, f)
+	// TODO: print usage?
+	/*
+	   if test $# -ne 1
+	   then
+	     usage 1
+	   fi
+	*/
+	log.Printf("+%v", opts)
 	args := os.Args
+	// TODO: check only one target
 	// if len(args) != 2 {
 	// 	log.Fatalf("jimmy: please specify a single target path")
 	// }
+	//# Where to create the html pages.
+	//TARGET="$1"
 	targetDir := args[len(args)-1]
+	//# Make sure TARGET is an absolute path.
+	/*
+	   if test x"${TARGET%%/*}" != x
+	   then
+	       TARGET=$(pwd)/$TARGET
+	   fi
+	*/
 	if ok := filepath.IsAbs(targetDir); !ok {
 		cwd, err := os.Getwd()
@@ -59,11 +148,72 @@ func main() {
 		targetDir = filepath.Join(cwd, targetDir)
+	//# Make sure the target exists.
+	//mkdir -p "$TARGET"
 	// TODO: Look up more mode for 755 or 644.
 	if err := os.MkdirAll(targetDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
 		log.Fatalf("jimmy: unable to create target directory: %v", err)
+	//# Read the configuration file.
+	/*
+	   if test -e "$TARGET/$CONFIG_FILE"
+	   then
+	   fi
+	*/
+	// TODO: Read config file
+	// TODO: Check repository is required
+	/*
+	   if test x"$REPOSITORY" = x
+	   then
+	     echo "-r required."
+	     echo
+	     usage 1
+	   fi
+	*/
+	writeConfigFile(targetDir, opts)
+	// TODO: check how to make -r arg mandatory
+	/*
+	   if test ! -d "$REPOSITORY"
+	   then
+	     echo "Repository \"$REPOSITORY\" does not exists.  Misconfiguration likely."
+	     exit 1
+	   fi
+	*/
+	createDirectories(targetDir, opts.force)
+	setUpRepo(targetDir, opts)
+	setGitConfig()
+	cleanBranches := cleanUpBranches(opts.branches)
+	fetchBranches(cleanBranches)
+	writeIndex()
+	doTheRealWork()
+	writeIndexFooter()
+func writeConfigFile(targetDir string, opts *options) {
+	/*
+	   # The output version
+	   CURRENT_TEMPLATE="$(sha1sum "$0")"
+	   if test "x$CURRENT_TEMPLATE" != "x$TEMPLATE"
+	   then
+	     progress "Rebuilding all pages as output template changed."
+	     force_rebuild=1
+	   fi
+	*/
 	configTmpl := template.Must(template.New("default").Parse(tmpl))
 	// TODO: Check file permissions are set to 0666.
@@ -76,10 +226,26 @@ func main() {
 	h := sha1.New()
+	// (spike): why did we do this step?
 	if _, err := io.Copy(h, outFile); err != nil {
+	/*
+	   {
+	     save()
+	     {
+	       # Prefer environment variables and arguments to the configuration file.
+	       echo "$1=\"\${$1:-\"$2\"}\""
+	     }
+	     save "PROJECT" "$PROJECT"
+	     save "TARGET" "$TARGET"
+	     save "BRANCHES" "$BRANCHES"
+	     save "TEMPLATE" "$TEMPLATE"
+	*/
 	configTmpl.Execute(outFile, struct {
 		Project          string
 		Repository       string
@@ -89,13 +255,38 @@ func main() {
 		// SHA1SUM
 		Template string
-		Project:          p,
-		Repository:       r,
-		PublicRepository: l,
+		Project:          opts.project,
+		Repository:       opts.repo,
+		PublicRepository:,
 		Target:           targetDir,
-		Branches:         b,
+		Branches:         opts.branches,
 		Template:         hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)),
+func createDirectories(targetDir string, force bool) {
+	//# Ensure that some directories we need exist.
+	/*
+	   if test x"$force_rebuild" = x1
+	   then
+	     rm -rf "$TARGET/objects" "$TARGET/commits"
+	   fi
+	   if test ! -d "$TARGET/objects"
+	   then
+	     mkdir "$TARGET/objects"
+	   fi
+	   if test ! -e "$TARGET/commits"
+	   then
+	     mkdir "$TARGET/commits"
+	   fi
+	   if test ! -e "$TARGET/branches"
+	   then
+	     mkdir "$TARGET/branches"
+	   fi
+	*/
 	// Repository
 	dirs := []string{"branches", "commits", "objects"}
@@ -104,7 +295,7 @@ func main() {
 		d := filepath.Join(targetDir, dir)
 		// Clear existing dirs if force true.
-		if f && dir != "branches" {
+		if force && dir != "branches" {
 			if err := os.RemoveAll(d); err != nil {
 				log.Printf("jimmy: unable to remove directory: %v", err)
@@ -114,65 +305,523 @@ func main() {
 			log.Printf("jimmy: unable to create directory: %v", err)
+func setUpRepo(targetDir string, opts *options) {
 	var pathError *fs.PathError
-	repo := filepath.Join(targetDir, "repository")
+	repoPath := filepath.Join(targetDir, "repository")
-	_, err = os.Stat(repo)
+  _, err := os.Stat(repoPath)
 	if errors.As(err, &pathError) {
-		ro, err := git.PlainClone(repo, false, &git.CloneOptions{
-			URL:      r,
+		localRepo, err := git.PlainClone(repoPath, false, &git.CloneOptions{
+			URL:      opts.repo,
 			Progress: os.Stdout,
-		co, err := ro.CommitObjects()
+		commitObjects, err := localRepo.CommitObjects()
 		if err != nil {
 			log.Printf("%v", err)
-		co.ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
+		commitObjects.ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
 			return nil
-		branches, err := ro.Branches()
+		localBranches, err := localRepo.Branches()
 		if err != nil {
 			log.Printf("%v", err)
-		branch, err := branches.Next()
+		branch, err := localBranches.Next()
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to clone repo: %v", err)
+			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to list branches: %v", err)
 		ref := plumbing.NewHashReference(branch.Name(), branch.Hash())
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to clone repo: %v", err)
+			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to create ref: %v", err)
-		w, err := ro.Worktree()
+		workTree, err := localRepo.Worktree()
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to clone repo: %v", err)
+			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to open worktree: %v", err)
-		err = w.Checkout(&git.CheckoutOptions{
+		err = workTree.Checkout(&git.CheckoutOptions{
 			Hash: ref.Hash(),
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to clone repo: %v", err)
+			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to checkout detached HEAD: %v", err)
-		err = ro.Storer.RemoveReference(ref.Name())
+		err = localRepo.Storer.RemoveReference(ref.Name())
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to clone repo: %v", err)
+			log.Printf("jimmy: failed to delete branch: %v", err)
+// TODO: implement!
+func setGitConfig() {
+	/*
+	   # git merge fails if there are not set.  Fake them.
+	   git config "git2html@git2html"
+	   git config "git2html"
+	*/
+// TODO: implement!
+func cleanUpBranches(branches string) []string {
+	/*
+	   if test x"$BRANCHES" = x
+	   then
+	     # Strip the start of lines of the form 'origin/HEAD -> origin/master'
+	     BRANCHES=$(git branch --no-color -r \
+	                  | sed 's#.*->##; s#^ *origin/##;')
+	   fi
+	   first=""
+	   # Ignore 'origin/HEAD -> origin/master'
+	   for branch in ${BRANCHES:-$(git branch --no-color -r \
+	                                 | sed 's#.*->.*##;
+	                                        s#^ *origin/##;
+	                                        s#^ *HEAD *$##;')}
+	   do
+	     first="$branch"
+	     break
+	   done
+	   # Due to branch aliases (a la origin/HEAD), a branch might be listed
+	   # multiple times.  Eliminate this possibility.
+	   BRANCHES=$(for branch in $BRANCHES
+	     do
+	       echo "$branch"
+	     done | sort | uniq)
+	*/
+	return []string{}
+// TODO: implement!
+func fetchBranches(branches []string) {
+	/*
+	   	   for branch in $BRANCHES
+	   	   do
+	   	     # Suppress already up to date status messages, but don't use grep -v
+	   	     # as that returns 1 if there is no output and causes the script to
+	   	     # abort.
+	   	     git fetch --force origin "refs/heads/${branch}:refs/origin/${branch}" \
+	   	         | gawk '/^Already up-to-date[.]$/ { skip=1; }
+	   	                 { if (! skip) print; skip=0 }'
+	   	   done
+	   	   git checkout "origin/$first"
+	      }
+	   	   # For each branch and each commit create and extract an archive of the form
+	   	   #   $TARGET/commits/$commit
+	   	   #
+	   	   # and a link:
+	   	   #
+	   	   #   $TARGET/branches/$commit -> $TARGET/commits/$commit
+	   	   # Count the number of branch we want to process to improve reporting.
+	   	   bcount=0
+	   	   for branch in $BRANCHES
+	   	   do
+	   	     let ++bcount
+	   	   done
+	*/
+// TODO: implement!
+func writeIndex() {
+	/*
+	   INDEX="$TARGET/index.html"
+	   {
+	     html_header
+	     if test -e "$REPOSITORY/description"
+	     then
+	       echo "<h2>Description</h2>"
+	       cat "$REPOSITORY/description"
+	     fi
+	     echo "<h2>Repository</h2>"
+	     if test x"$PUBLIC_REPOSITORY" != x
+	     then
+	       echo  "Clone this repository using:" \
+	         "<pre>" \
+	         " git clone $PUBLIC_REPOSITORY" \
+	         "</pre>"
+	     fi
+	     echo "<h2>Branches</h2>" \
+	       "<ul>"
+	   } > "$INDEX"
+	*/
+// TODO: implement!
+func doTheRealWork() {
+	/*
+	   b=0
+	   for branch in $BRANCHES
+	   do
+	     let ++b
+	     cd "$TARGET/repository"
+	     COMMITS=$(mktemp)
+	     git rev-list --graph "origin/$branch" > $COMMITS
+	     # Count the number of commits on this branch to improve reporting.
+	     ccount=$(egrep '[0-9a-f]' < $COMMITS | wc -l)
+	     progress "Branch $branch ($b/$bcount): processing ($ccount commits)."
+	     BRANCH_INDEX="$TARGET/branches/$branch.html"
+	     c=0
+	     while read -r commitline
+	     do
+	       # See
+	       graph=$(echo "$commitline" \
+	               | sed 's/ [0-9a-f]*$//; s/|/\&#x2503;/g; s/[*]/\&#x25CF;/g;
+	                      s/[\]/\&#x2B0A;/g; s/\//\&#x2B0B;/g;')
+	*/
+	//    commit=$(echo "$commitline" | sed 's/^[^0-9a-f]*//')
+	/*
+	     if test x"$commit" = x
+	     then
+	       # This is just a bit of graph.  Add it to the branch's
+	       # index.html and then go to the next commit.
+	       echo "<tr><td valign=\"middle\"><pre>$graph</pre></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>" \
+	   >> "$BRANCH_INDEX"
+	       continue
+	     fi
+	     let ++c
+	     progress "Commit $commit ($c/$ccount): processing."
+	     # Extract metadata about this commit.
+	     metadata=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=raw $commit \
+	         | sed 's#<#\&lt;#g; s#>#\&gt;#g; ')
+	     parent=$(echo "$metadata" \
+	   | gawk '/^parent / { $1=""; sub (" ", ""); print $0 }')
+	     author=$(echo "$metadata" \
+	   | gawk '/^author / { NF=NF-2; $1=""; sub(" ", ""); print $0 }')
+	     date=$(echo "$metadata" | gawk '/^author / { print $(NF=NF-1); }')
+	     date=$(date -u -d "1970-01-01 $date sec")
+	     log=$(echo "$metadata" | gawk '/^    / { if (!done) print $0; done=1; }')
+	     loglong=$(echo "$metadata" | gawk '/^    / { print $0; }')
+	     if test "$c" = "1"
+	     then
+	       # This commit is the current head of the branch.  Update the
+	       # branch's link, but don't use ln -sf: because the symlink is to
+	       # a directory, the symlink won't be replaced; instead, the new
+	       # link will be created in the existing symlink's target
+	       # directory:
+	       #
+	       #   $ mkdir foo
+	       #   $ ln -s foo bar
+	       #   $ ln -s baz bar
+	       #   $ ls -ld bar bar/baz
+	       #   lrwxrwxrwx 1 neal neal 3 Aug  3 09:14 bar -> foo
+	       #   lrwxrwxrwx 1 neal neal 3 Aug  3 09:14 bar/baz -> baz
+	       rm -f "$TARGET/branches/$branch"
+	       ln -s "../commits/$commit" "$TARGET/branches/$branch"
+	       # Update the project's index.html and the branch's index.html.
+	       echo "<li><a href=\"branches/$branch.html\">$branch</a>: " \
+	         "<b>$log</b> $author <i>$date</i>" >> "$INDEX"
+	       {
+	         html_header "Branch: $branch" ".."
+	   echo "<p><a href=\"$branch/index.html\">HEAD</a>"
+	         echo "<p><table>"
+	       } > "$BRANCH_INDEX"
+	     fi
+	     # Add this commit to the branch's index.html.
+	     echo "<tr><td valign=\"middle\"><pre>$graph</pre></td><td><a href=\"../commits/$commit/index.html\">$log</a></td><td>$author</td><td><i>$date</i></td></tr>" \
+	   >> "$BRANCH_INDEX"
+	     # Commits don't change.  If the directory already exists, it is up
+	     # to date and we can save some work.
+	     COMMIT_BASE="$TARGET/commits/$commit"
+	     if test -e "$COMMIT_BASE"
+	     then
+	       progress "Commit $commit ($c/$ccount): already processed."
+	       continue
+	     fi
+	     mkdir "$COMMIT_BASE"
+	     # Get the list of files in this commit.
+	     FILES=$(mktemp)
+	     git ls-tree -r "$commit" > "$FILES"
+	     # Create the commit's index.html: the metadata, a summary of the changes
+	     # and a list of all the files.
+	     COMMIT_INDEX="$COMMIT_BASE/index.html"
+	     {
+	       html_header "Commit: $commit" "../.."
+	       # The metadata.
+	       echo "<h2>Branch: <a href=\"../../branches/$branch.html\">$branch</a></h2>" \
+	   "<p>Author: $author" \
+	   "<br>Date: $date" \
+	         "<br>Commit: $commit"
+	       for p in $parent
+	       do
+	         echo "<br>Parent: <a href=\"../../commits/$p/index.html\">$p</a>" \
+	   " (<a href=\"../../commits/$commit/diff-to-$p.html\">diff to parent</a>)"
+	       done
+	       echo "<br>Log message:" \
+	   "<p><pre>$loglong</pre>"
+	       for p in $parent
+	       do
+	   echo "<br>Diff Stat to $p:" \
+	     "<blockquote><pre>"
+	         git diff --stat $p..$commit \
+	           | gawk \
+	               '{ if (last_line) print last_line;
+	                  last_line_raw=$0;
+	                  $1=sprintf("<a href=\"%s.raw.html\">%s</a>" \
+	                             " (<a href=\"../../commits/'"$p"'/%s.raw.html\">old</a>)" \
+	                             "%*s" \
+	                             "(<a href=\"diff-to-'"$p"'.html#%s\">diff</a>)",
+	                             $1, $1, $1, 60 - length ($1), " ", $1);
+	                     last_line=$0; }
+	                   END { print last_line_raw; }'
+	         echo "</pre></blockquote>"
+	       done
+	       echo "<p>Files:" \
+	         "<ul>"
+	       # The list of files as a hierarchy.  Sort them so that within a
+	       # directory, files preceed sub-directories
+	       sed 's/\([^ \t]\+[ \t]\)\{3\}//;
+	*/
+	//                 s#^#/#; s#/\([^/]*/\)#/1\1#; s#/\([^/]*\)$#/0\1#;' \
+	/*
+	         < "$FILES" \
+	   | sort | sed 's#/[01]#/#g; s#^/##' \
+	   | gawk '
+	          function spaces(l) {
+	            for (space = 1; space <= l; space ++) { printf ("  "); }
+	          }
+	          function max(a, b) { if (a > b) { return a; } return b; }
+	          function min(a, b) { if (a < b) { return a; } return b; }
+	          function join(array, sep, i, s) {
+	            s="";
+	            for (i in array) {
+	              if (s == "")
+	                s = array[i];
+	              else
+	                s = s sep array[i];
+	            }
+	            return s;
+	          }
+	          BEGIN {
+	            current_components[1] = "";
+	            delete current_components[1];
+	          }
+	          {
+	            file=$0;
+	            split(file, components, "/")
+	            # Remove the file.  Keep the directories.
+	            file=components[length(components)]
+	            delete components[length(components)];
+	            # See if a path component changed.
+	            for (i = 1;
+	                 i <= min(length(components), length(current_components));
+	                 i ++)
+	            {
+	              if (current_components[i] != components[i])
+	                # It did.
+	                break
+	            }
+	            # i-1 is the last common component.  The rest from the
+	            # current_component stack.
+	            last=length(current_components);
+	            for (j = last; j >= i; j --)
+	            {
+	              spaces(j);
+	              printf ("</ul> <!-- %s -->\n", current_components[j]);
+	              delete current_components[j];
+	            }
+	            # If there are new path components push them on the
+	            # current_component stack.
+	            for (; i <= length(components); i ++)
+	            {
+	                current_components[i] = components[i];
+	                spaces(i);
+	                printf("<li><a name=\"files:%s\">%s</a>\n",
+	                       join(current_components, "/"), components[i]);
+	                spaces(i);
+	                printf("<ul>\n");
+	            }
+	            spaces(length(current_components))
+	            printf ("<li><a name=\"files:%s\" href=\"%s.raw.html\">%s</a>\n",
+	                    $0, $0, file);
+	            printf ("  (<a href=\"%s\">raw</a>)\n", $0, file);
+	          }
+	          END {
+	            for (i = length(current_components); j >= 1; j --)
+	            {
+	              spaces(j);
+	              printf ("</ul> <!-- %s -->\n", current_components[j]);
+	              delete current_components[j];
+	            }
+	          }'
+	     echo "</ul>"
+	     html_footer
+	   } > "$COMMIT_INDEX"
+	   # Create the commit's diff-to-parent.html file.
+	   for p in $parent
+	   do
+	     {
+	*/
+	//        html_header "diff $(echo $commit | sed 's/^\(.\{8\}\).*/\1/') $(echo $p | sed 's/^\(.\{8\}\).*/\1/')" "../.."
+	/*
+	           echo "<h2>Branch: <a href=\"../../branches/$branch.html\">$branch</a></h2>" \
+	             "<h3>Commit: <a href=\"index.html\">$commit</a></h3>" \
+	       "<p>Author: $author" \
+	       "<br>Date: $date" \
+	       "<br>Parent: <a href=\"../$p/index.html\">$p</a>" \
+	       "<br>Log message:" \
+	       "<p><pre>$loglong</pre>" \
+	       "<p>" \
+	             "<pre>"
+	           git diff -p $p..$commit \
+	             | sed 's#<#\&lt;#g; s#>#\&gt;#g;
+	                    s#^\(diff --git a/\)\([^ ]\+\)#\1<a name="\2">\2</a>#;
+	                    s#^\(\(---\|+++\|index\|diff\|deleted\|new\) .\+\)$#<b>\1</b>#;
+	                    s#^\(@@ .\+\)$#<font color=\"blue\">\1</font>#;
+	                    s#^\(-.*\)$#<font color=\"red\">\1</font>#;
+	                    s#^\(+.*\)$#<font color=\"green\">\1</font>#;' \
+	             | gawk '{ ++line; printf("%5d: %s\n", line, $0); }'
+	           echo "</pre>"
+	           html_footer
+	         } > "$COMMIT_BASE/diff-to-$p.html"
+	       done
+	       # For each file in the commit, ensure the object exists.
+	       while read -r line
+	       do
+	         file_base=$(echo "$line" | gawk '{ print $4 }')
+	         file="$TARGET/commits/$commit/$file_base"
+	         sha=$(echo "$line" | gawk '{ print $3 }')
+	         object_dir="$TARGET/objects/"$(echo "$sha" \
+	       | sed 's#^\([a-f0-9]\{2\}\).*#\1#')
+	         object="$object_dir/$sha"
+	         if test ! -e "$object"
+	         then
+	           # File does not yet exists in the object repository.
+	           # Create it.
+	     if test ! -d "$object_dir"
+	     then
+	       mkdir "$object_dir"
+	     fi
+	           # The object's file should not be commit or branch specific:
+	           # the same html is shared among all files with the same
+	           # content.
+	           {
+	             html_header "$sha"
+	             echo "<pre>"
+	             git show "$sha" \
+	               | sed 's#<#\&lt;#g; s#>#\&gt;#g; ' \
+	               | gawk '{ ++line; printf("%6d: %s\n", line, $0); }'
+	             echo "</pre>"
+	             html_footer
+	           } > "$object"
+	         fi
+	         # Create a hard link to the formatted file in the object repository.
+	         mkdir -p $(dirname "$file")
+	         ln "$object" "$file.raw.html"
+	         # Create a hard link to the raw file.
+	         raw_filename="raw/$(echo "$sha" | sed 's/^\(..\)/\1\//')"
+	         if ! test -e "$raw_filename"
+	         then
+	       mkdir -p "$(dirname "$raw_filename")"
+	       git cat-file blob "$sha" > $raw_filename
+	         fi
+	         ln "$raw_filename" "$file"
+	       done <"$FILES"
+	       rm -f "$FILES"
+	     done <$COMMITS
+	     rm -f $COMMITS
+	     {
+	       echo "</table>"
+	       html_footer
+	     } >> "$BRANCH_INDEX"
+	   done
+	*/
+// TODO: implement!
+func writeIndexFooter() {
+	/*
+	   {
+	     echo "</ul>"
+	     html_footer
+	   } >> "$INDEX"
+	*/
+// TODO: implement!
+func htmlHeader() {
+	/*
+	   html_header()
+	   {
+	     title="$1"
+	     top_level="$2"
+	     if test x"$PROJECT" != x -a x"$title" != x
+	     then
+	       # Title is not the empty string.  Prefix it with ": "
+	       title=": $title"
+	     fi
+	     echo "<html><head><title>$PROJECT$title</title></head>" \
+	       "<body>" \
+	       "<h1><a href=\"$top_level/index.html\">$PROJECT</a>$title</h1>"
+	   }
+	*/
+func htmlFooter() {
+	/*
+	   html_footer()
+	   {
+	     echo "<hr>" \
+	       "Generated by" \
+	       "<a href=\"\">git2html</a>."
+	   }
+	*/