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<h1><a href="./">{{.Project}}</a></h1>
<p>Clone this repository using: <code>git clone {{.Link}}</code></p>
{{- with $list := .Branches}}
{{- range $list}}
<a href="{{.Name}}.html">{{.Name}}</a>:
{{- with and (len .Commits) (index .Commits 0) }}
<span>{{.Author.Name}} <{{.Author.Email}}></span>
<time datetime="{{.Date.Format "2006-01-02"}}">{{.Date.Format "Jan. 02 '06 15:04:05"}}</time>
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- else}}
{{- end}}
<p>Generated by <a href="https://github.com/thewhodidthis/gtx">gtx</a> ›</p>